This page will explain the configuration of the mapping for Bynder to Akeneo.
Never forget to save the configuration after the modification of the parameters in the mapping
Asset Family Code
Let’s start by the destination: Akeneo Asset Family.
Here you must put the code of the asset family in which you will send the assets and the meta-properties.
In this example, we will send the asset to the “atmosphere” asset family. As in all configuration, we use the code of the asset family and not the label.
See your Akeneo PIM configuration to identify the codes. (see the Akeneo documentation to help you).
In Akeneo, you will manage your assets in many asset families. To split the Bynder assets, you can apply some conditions.
You can put as many conditions as you want. An asset must fit to all conditions to be selected. If you want to apply some “OR” conditions, you must create different mappings.
- First you must identify the Bynder meta-property you want to use to apply a condition.
- Then you choose the type of condition.
And depending on the condition, some additional information can be asked.
The different types of condition are :
Warning : For the "conditions" part, the Bynder custom metadata must be prefixed by "property_" In our example, the code of the metadata is "multi-select", so we have to put "property_multi-select"
Media URL
As we transfer only the URL, you must configure this part. You can send many URL if you want to manage different rendition and if you are not using DAT from Bynder.
An URL parameter is really easy:
- The Bynder meta-property which contains the URL you want to get
- The Akeneo asset attribute code in which you want to send the URL
Like for the URLs, you can send as many metadata from Bynder to Akeneo as you want.
For each meta-property, you will configure the source, the destination and depending on the type of meta-property, you will have to configure additional information (for example the local or channel you want to feed).
Specific metadata management
All types – locale and channel management
If you want to manage local or channel information, you can define a specific locale or channel.
In that case, you must put the code of the channel or the locale used in Akeneo.
It’s also possible to send the information in all active locales by putting Yes for the “All” for the locale or the channel.
Video preview
In Bynder, the video URLs are sent in a same table. You must fill the extension by the wanted one.
- mp4
- webm
By using pattern, you will be able to concatenate values. In the concatenation, if you want to use a meta-property from Bynder, you must put the variable between double percent (%%).
Example, if you want to import the SKU concatenated to the name (separated by a “-“), it will be something like :
%%sku%% - %%name%%
Product id
This one is configured like the Simple meta-property. It must be used when you send the SKU from Akeneo to a Select2 list.
It enough, you’ve configured the “Bynder to Akeneo Mapping”.