This page will helps you to do the Akeneo and Bynder connector configuration. The platform will allow you to send data from Akeneo to Bynder and from Bynder to Akeneo :
Installation process
As it’s a SaaS solution, you don’t have to worry about the installation of the Akeneo & Bynder connector. And you will find everything here for the configuration.
The connector needs to access to the applications with the API. You will have to give these accesses in Bynder and in Akeneo.
Bynder connection
In Bynder, we use a Permanent Token. This token must have at least read and write rights on the assets AND metadata otherwise the connector will not be able to perform the desired updates.
This part is quite easy :
- put your Bynder domain
- and your permanent token.
Akeneo connection
This connection must have read and write rights on products and assets. Without this, the connector will not work properly.
You will need to configure:
- The URL of the PIM
- If not using the “Akeneo App”, the settings of the connection to be used
These parameters must be configured in the web interface.
Akeneo App (The easy way)
If you want to use the Akeneo App, you just need to put “App connection” to Yes and put the URL.
The URL must be without any slash ("/") at the end of your URL
Akeneo connection
If you want to use an Akeneo connection, you must uncheck the “App connection” flag and fill the required fields.
To prevent any security breach, the sensible data are stored in encrypted variables.
(This type of configuration for Akeneo is needed only for version 5 or previous. For Serenity, and Felxibility V6 or upper, we recommend to use the App directly from the Akeneo App Store )
To improve performances, we recommend to launch the jobs in Delta mode. This means the job will be launched to synchronize only the assets modified or created since the last job execution.
The parameter is Delta and can be set to True or False :
- If true : the job will filter the assets to get only newly created or modified assets
- If false : the job will synchronize all assets
If you choose Yes, you will be able to set a date used as a comparison date for synchronization.(Optional)
Bynder to Akeneo Mapping Parameters
Used for job: "Bynder x Akeneo - Bynder assets to Akeneo (Bynder Akeneo Connector)"
This part is used to configure the transfer of asset URLs (and metadata) from Bynder to Akeneo.
As you can create many mappings and each mapping can be huge, we decided to put a summary.
If you click on it, it will expand the mapping so you can modify it.
Please see here the different part for the “Bynder to Akeneo” mapping:
Multi products association
Used for job: "Bynder x Akeneo - Product asset association (Bynder Akeneo Connector)" (can be used in "Bynder x Akeneo - Bynder assets to Akeneo (Bynder Akeneo Connector)" )
If you want to associate an asset to many products, you will use a metadata in Bynder to identify the SKUs of the products you want to associate to the asset you’ve uploaded.
You can easily use the Binding part of the connector to configure the automatic links.
Akeneo to Bynder Mapping Parameters
Used for job: "Bynder x Akeneo - Bynder assets to Akeneo (Bynder Akeneo Connector)"
The reverse mapping is used to send Product information (products linked to asset) from Akeneo to Bynder .
Send SKU/Product Model Codes to Bynder
Used for job: "Bynder x Akeneo - Send Akeneo product data to Bynder (Bynder Akeneo Connector)"
Product values can be:
- Product identifier and Product model code
- Text attributes
All products and product models will be read in order to fill Bynder metaproperty options.
... (connection parameters) ...
"product_identifier": {
"product_label_attribute": "Akeneo Attribute Product code to be used for label of the Select 2 option",
"product_model_label_attribute": "Akeneo Attribute Product model code to be used for label of the Select 2 option",
"bynder_property": "Bynder Select 2 metadata code",
"locales": ["fr_FR", "en_US"],
"channel": null,
"display_id": false // put True if you want to see the Product Identifier or Product Model Code in the label
"product_values": [
"attribute": "Akeneo attribute code",
"bynder_property": "Bynder Select 2 metadata code",
"locale": null,
"channel": null
The array “product_values” is mandatory. If you don’t need to get other production information, you must put an empty array.
"product_values": {}
Known limitations : if your SKUs contain some specific chars, you must put “display_id” as true :
"display_id": true
Akeneo asset deletion
Used for job: "Bynder x Akeneo - Bynder x Akeneo - Remove assets"
This job is used to delete assets in Akeneo when they are no longer available in Bynder.
It will look at all assets in your asset family and try to find it in Bynder. To work properly, this job needs an asset family attribute which contains the Bynder id.
{ ... (connection parameters) ... "delete_akeneo_assets": [ { "asset_family": "Your Akeneo Family", "bynder_id_attribute_code": "Your Akeneo Asset Attribute Containing the Bynder ID" } }
Known limitations : as this job must run on all the assets, it can’t be launch as often as the other jobs.
Mail alert
Available in all the jobs
It’s now possible to be alerted when an error or a warning is rised during the execution of a job.
To configure it, you just need to put the addresses in the appropriate field. Many addresses can be added, you just have to separate the addresses with a comma (,)
Then choose which kind of alert you want to receive :
- Warnings
- Errors
Crontab setup
Available in all the jobs
When the application is installed and configured, crontab must be set to launch synchronization between Akeneo & Bynder.
The crontab parameters can be modified in the web interface by the Dataggo team:
To help you, the configuration is translated in a human readable text.