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Bynder compact view in Akeneo : configuration of the bundle

Bynder access

To open the compact view, we need to know your Bynder URL:

  • The URL of the DAM

Opening the compact view

It is necessary to configure an additional parameter: the type of URL of the asset to be retrieved.

This URL will be the one that will be retrieved from the DAM Bynder and added to the asset in the PIM.

Ask your Bynder Technical Success Manager to retrieve all possible transformations.

Installation process


Bundle version Akeneo Version

Step-by-step process

This bundle can be installed with composer.

Get Access

To have access to the git sources, we need a public ssh key. Generate your key and send it to our technical contact.

Without this, no following action will be possible.

Get the bundle

Configure composer to read the repository:

Modify composer.json to add the repository in repositories

"dataggo-akeneo-bynder-compact-view": {
    "type": "vcs",
    "url": "",
    "no-api": true

Repositories in composer.json should look like this

"repositories": {
    "dataggo-akeneo-bynder-compact-view": {
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": "",
        "no-api": true
    "0": {
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": "ssh://",
        "no-api": true

Add the bundle in your project:

composer require dataggo/akeneo-bynder-compact-view
Enable the bundle

In file config/bundles.php, add this line

Dataggo\BynderCompactView\BynderCompactViewBundle::class => ['all' => true]
Initialize compact view configuration

Run this two symfony commands to initialize two configuration keys

bin/console d:q:s "INSERT INTO oro_config_value (config_id,name, section, value) VALUES (1, 'compact_view_url', 'bynder_compact_view', '')"
bin/console d:q:s "INSERT INTO oro_config_value (config_id,name, section, value) VALUES (1, 'compact_view_transformation', 'bynder_compact_view', 'webImage')"
Add routes for the bundle

Add the following code in file config/routes/routes.yml to import bundle’s routes

    # loads routes from the given routing file stored in some bundle
    resource: '@BynderCompactViewBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml'
Install bynder front dependencies

Add the compact view dependency

yarn add @bynder/compact-view@2.6.1 -W
yarn install --force
Rebuild Akeneo frontend:

Akeneo v5

rm -rf var/cache/* public/js/* public/bundles/*
bin/console cache:warmup --env=prod
bin/console pim:installer:assets --env=prod --clean
yarn run webpack

Akeneo v6

rm -rf var/cache/* public/js/* public/bundles/* public/dist/*
bin/console cache:warmup --env=prod
bin/console pim:installer:assets --env=prod --clean
yarn packages:build
yarn run webpack
yarn run less
yarn run update-extensions